Jane E. Cole, wife of John Fonda:
born in Saratoga Co., NY: 24 Sep 1837 (per death certificate)
died in Fulton Co., NY 6 Jan 1916 (per death certificate)
age at death: 78 years 3 months 13 days. ( per death certificate)
Parents: (per death certificate) Solomon Fonda and Jane Austin> know this is not correct.
Married: John Fonda
Date of marriage: unknown
Place of marriage: unknown
What we do know:
In 1840 USFC: Palmer Cole has a female child 0-4 ys of age=1836-1840.
In 1840 USFC: Solomon Cole has no female children.
In 1850 USFC: Palmer Cole has a female child named Jane E. Cole, age 13.
In 1850 USFC: Solomon Cole has no female child born 1837.
In 1853 Winfield Scott Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda in Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., NY.
In 1855 Benjamin Franklin Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda
In 1859 Agnes Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda
In 1860 USFC: haven't found them yet
In 1862 Edith Viola Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda
In 1863 a child Charlie Fonda was born and was in the HH in 1870.
In 1865 a child Eva Fonda was born and was in the HH in 1870.
In 1868 William H. Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda (called Willie in 1870 Census)
In 1870 USFC John, Jane E, Ben, Agnes, Charlie, Eva, and Willie.
In 1872 Erwin Fonda was born to Jane E and John Fonda
In 1874 Herbert Fonda was born to Jane E and John Fonda
In 1879 Mary Evalyn was born and died
In 1880 USFC: haven't found them yet
In 1881 Emmett Blair Fonda born to Jane E and John Fonda in Galway, Saratoga Co, NY
In 1890 Oct 15; John Fonda age 64 died in Fonda, Montgomery Co., NY (per death certificate and W.S. Fonda was informant)(Presumed buried in Fonda, NY)
In 1900 USFC haven't found Jane E Fonda yet
In 1910 USFC: Jane E living in HH of Emmett Fonda: age 74, bore 9 children with 8 living - listed as grandmother to HH, with father born RI, widowed.
In 1916 Jane E. age 78y 3m 13d, died in Gloversville, NY and was buried in Fonda Cemetery.
If we count the number of children listed in the above, we see that there are 10 children> Winfield Scott, Agnes, Ben, Charlie, Eva, William, Erwin, Herbert, Mary E. and Emmett. We also know that two of the children Benjamin in 1906, and Mary Evalyn in 1879 died before Jane E. in 1916. We do not know for sure if any more children were born &/or died. The dates of births that we have are:
1853, 1855, 1859, 1862, 1863, 1868, 1872, 1874, 1879, 1881. Some of these may not be exact as they are taken from the census. If you also notice, Jane E. states that her father was born in RI. The only place a Palmer Cole in the census states that he was born in RI is in the 1860 USFC for Erie Co, NY. The 1850 states NYS.
Reasons why Jane E could not be Solomon and Rhoda Austin Coles daughter:
1. Rhoda Austin Cole died 1836
1A: Solomon and Jane Rider: Jane has no female children listed in 1840.
2. Solomon and female about same age in 1840 Census with no female children.
Solomon and Jane Rider had son George die in 1835, sons Arnold and John living in 1840.
3. 1840 USFC shows Palmer and Sophia with a male 10-14 and a female 0-4. (1837) no other children.
4. 1850 USFC shows Jane E in HH of Palmer and Sophia Cole age 13 (1837) John age 24, and Pamelia age 22 - believe John and Pamelia married.
Reason for Solomon and Jane to be listed on death certificate of Jane E Fonda:
1.- Solomon and Jane may be parents of Jane E. Cole - given to Palmer and Sophia to raise as their own daughter.
2. - Name Austin was remembered because Solomon was married to Rhoda Austin who died 1836.
3. - and Solomon and unknown female in 1840 census (could be Jane Rider);
4. - George Cole, dies 1835, record states he was son of Solomon and Jane Cole.
5. - Emmett or someone in HH stated Jane E. was grandmother leading me to believe they confused Jane E Cole Fonda the mother, with Jane Rider Cole the grandmother. When Emmett was born his mother was already 45 years of age
CHECK: DOUBLECHECK: Gravestones, death records, state census', marriage and divorce records, births, adoptions/church/obituaries and town directories for all the places mentioned. I will check all Mom's research as well as what I can find on the Internet.
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